Henry Hoover on Tour
A very special Henry Hoover is taking his army of Instagram followers on a “suction taking” photographic tour of the UK, and cleaning up our beaches and countryside as he goes.
If you’re a fan of Henry, looking for ideas of places to visit in the UK or simply enjoy unique posts, @henryhooverontour is a must follow account….. It’s my personal favourite.

Henry Cleans up the UK
Henry isn’t willing to sit back and let others do the cleaning up.
“This country has some fantastic places and so much of it is free for us all to enjoy. It is very precious though and I’ve met some top people who like to help keep it that way. These people are out there organising litter picks, or grabbing bags full of rubbish that have been carelessly left behind and this is fantastic stuff.”

Join in with Henry and #take3forthesea
Take 3 For The Sea is such a simple idea that Henry Hoover on Tour loves to promote.
“Whenever you are out just pick up three pieces of rubbish and put them in a bin or take them home. Its so easy. If you are out every day and do it, that’s 1000 pieces tidied away a year. If you persuade 10 other people to do the same that’s 10,000, if they all persuade 10 people that’s errr….a lot. Have a look at @take3forthesea”

Henry’s Tour Begins
Henry’s escape started in North West Cornwall’s fine town of Bude. He had been working in a holiday house, when he was taken to see the town’s top attraction (according to TripAdvisor), the Bude Tunnel. He wrote a review of this incredible feat of engineering, and determined that this would be the first of many adventures.
“After I’d been taken up onto the cliffs and seen the sea, I realised there was a whole new world out there and thought the best thing to do would be to start an Instagram account to inspire all the other vacuum cleaners out there who spend much of there time stuck in a cupboard or under the stairs, just like I had.”

Henry is Thinking of Getting a Passport
“Everything is new to me, so I try and get that across in my posts. I’ve already seen some amazing sights and been to some great places. I’ve been to England, Scotland and Wales, seen Lochs, Lakes, Meres and waterfalls, been up mountains and down valleys. I’ve also been fortunate enough to see some great sculptures and works of art. I’ve heard rumour that there is even more to see if you cross the sea to other bits of land. Imagine that! I think that would be a very good thing to do”

He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Henry
“Obviously I do rely on a bit of help getting around so I think its important to have a couple of projects on the go, just to make sure I keep the interest going. Currently I am working my way up all the ‘Ethels’ in and around the beautiful Peak District. I’m 38% of the way through, according to the Ethel Ready App. Then I have a couple of more long term projects, the Wainwrights and the county tops. I have a long way to go in both of those”

Follow Henry Hoover
You can join Henry on his travels @henryhooverontour and please don’t forget to #take3forthesea next time you are out an about, be it in your local town or on a countryside walk.

Thank you to Henry for sharing your story and allowing me to share your wonderful account.